This is the second post on Joel. The first one is here. To repeat the introduction, we’re testing Peter’s claim that all the prophets spoke about his days and his generation. According to the inmillennial prophetic model, these were the “last days” of the Mosaic age. We verified that Moses (here and here),…
God poured out the Holy Spirit during Israel’s feast of Pentecost. This provided the church with the power necessary to fulfill the Great Commission (Acts 1:8). That commission contains two parts. First, Jesus commands his disciples to “teach (Gk. mathēteuō) all nations” (Matt 28:19, KJV). The word “teach” means “make…
Pentecost provided the Power the church needs to accomplish its mission to “make disciples of all the nations” (Matt 28:19). Jesus had instructed the apostles to abide in Jerusalem until it came. He said, “you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be…
Last week’s post (here) contained several questions a reader asked about inmillennialism. After reading them, another brother expressed his approval. He said, “he addresses a concern in his questions that I share deeply.” This post contains my answers to these important questions. The reader arranged his questions into four groups.…