Christians! Let us adopt Paul’s view of the local church. Consider his words in the next section of our study of 1 Thessalonians: But since we were torn away from you, brothers, for a short time, in person not in heart, we endeavored the more eagerly and with great desire…
After reading our “Already—Not Yet” post, a reader suggested we provide a list of prophecies inmillennialism puts in the “not yet” category. This post will expand on his request. It will use typology to develop a list of both “already” and “not yet” prophecies. It will emphasize the relevance of…
The AD 70 blog has come full circle. We published our first post on Nov. 3, 2016. Our fourth post appeared on the last Wednesday of that month. Since then, the Lord has blessed us to post each Wednesday for 129 consecutive weeks. We have covered much ground. Our first…
Matthew 22 shows a theological battle between Jesus and the apostate Jewish leaders of his day. The skirmishes comprise four rounds of Q&A. They occurred on Tuesday of Passion Week in AD 30. We have seen two in previous posts. We will review these before looking at the other two. Question 1…
Book Of MatthewProphecy
Meditations in Matthew Seventeen: Transfiguration Postscripts
by Mike Rogersby Mike RogersThe transfiguration (Matt 17:1–9) provides subtle confirmations of inmillennialism. As a vision (Matt 17:9), it showed the passing away of the Mosaic age. The law (Moses) and the prophets (Elijah) would disappear. The messianic age (Jesus) would take their place. Peter linked this transition to Christ’s parousia (2 Pet 1:16–18). Inmillennialism’s…
Book Of MatthewProphecy
Meditations in Matthew Seventeen: the Transfiguration
by Mike Rogersby Mike RogersMany scriptural passages make our need for a better prophetic model obvious. They are like boulders in our interpretive paths. Our last post (here) discussed one of them (i.e., Matt 16:27–28). Other passages are more subtle. Their obstacles lie below the surface. We must excavate to see how they show…
A Review of “Acts 1:9–11 and the Hyper-Preterism Debate” by Keith A. Mathison
by Mike Rogersby Mike RogersA brother responded to the ideas in last week’s post (here). He said, “I disagree with your reading/understanding of this simple text. I believe the text supports the traditional view of it being a visible, physical, and bodily return of our Lord.” He referred me to Dr. Keith A. Mathison’s…
Book Of 1 ThessaloniansProphecyQuestions and Answers
Paul and the Rapture — Part 3
by Mike Rogersby Mike RogersThe “rapture passage” (1 Thess 4:13–5:11) creates problems for the current prophetic models. Their interpretations implicate Paul in error. They portray him as naïve and inconsistent. They do not take the Olivet Discourse to be “the word of the Lord” to which Paul appeals (1 Thess 4:15), even though the…
Book Of MatthewProphecy
Meditations in Matthew 4: Christ’s Temptations
by Mike Rogersby Mike Rogers“Matthew . . . is the Gospel of the King and His kingdom.” We have seen this in our previous posts on Matthew. For example, the “little horn” king (Herod) opposed the King (Matt 2). And, John the Baptist preached the gospel of the kingdom (Matt 3:1). In Matthew 4,…
A friend asked me to develop a 15-page summary of inmillennialism, my framework for the interpretation of biblical prophecy. This post is the fourth and final part of that summary. I plan to soon post a downloadable PDF of the entire document. We started building our model of prophecy in…