In this series of posts, we’re verifying Peter’s words—all the prophets foretold his generation (Acts 3:24), its events, and the consequences of those events. In roughly chronological order, we have confirmed that Moses, Samuel, Obadiah, Joel, Amos, Jonah, Hosea, and Micah did so and that their prophecies fit well in…
Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers
Mike is a native Alabamian, born in Auburn and raised in Blount County. Click to read more.
Book of MicahPeter, Are You Serious?Prophecy
Peter, Are You Serious? Micah? — Part 3
by Mike Rogersby Mike RogersIn this series of posts, we’re verifying Peter’s words—all the prophets foretold his generation (Acts 3:24). We have confirmed that Moses, Samuel, Obadiah, Joel, Amos, Jonah, and Hosea did so and that their prophecies fit well in our inmillennial model of prophecy. In our last two posts (here and here),…
Book of ObadiahPeter, Are You Serious?Prophecy
Peter, Are You Serious? Obadiah?
by Mike Rogersby Mike RogersPeter made a bold assertion: “All the prophets, from Samuel and those who follow, as many as have spoken, have also foretold these days” (Acts 3:24). By “these days,” he means the days in which he lived, his generation. This series of posts tests this claim by searching through the…
I will be teaching a Continuing Education course at Southern Union State Community College this spring regarding options for interpreting Biblical prophecy. The official title of the upcoming posting (here) will be “NREL 4000 NC Intro Bible Interpretation.” The course will cover most of the material in my book, Inmillennialism:…
The Great Commission and Biblical ProphecyProphecy
Specific Preliminary Signs — Part 3
by Mike Rogersby Mike RogersThe Scriptures teach a simple prophetic framework that encourages us to fulfill the Great Commission: to make disciples of all nations in this age. We’re making incremental progress toward the goal of discovering that framework. Our starting point is the Olivet Discourse, where a simple, understandable conversation occurs. Jesus says…
The Great Commission and Biblical ProphecyProphecy
Specific Preliminary Signs — Part 2
by Mike Rogersby Mike RogersThe Scriptures teach a simple prophetic framework that encourages us to fulfill the Great Commission: to make disciples of all nations in this age. We’re making incremental progress toward the goal of discovering that framework. Our starting point is the Olivet Discourse, where a simple, understandable conversation occurs. Jesus says…
The Great Commission and Biblical ProphecyProphecy
Jesus’ Specific Preliminary Signs — Part 1
by Mike Rogersby Mike RogersThe Scriptures teach a simple prophetic framework that encourages us to fulfill the Great Commission: to make disciples of all nations in this age. We’re making incremental progress toward the goal of discovering that framework. Our starting point is the Olivet Discourse, where a simple, understandable conversation occurs. Jesus says…
The Great Commission and Biblical ProphecyProphecy
Jesus’ Response: General Preliminary Signs — Part 2
by Mike Rogersby Mike RogersThe Scriptures teach a simple prophetic framework that encourages us to fulfill the Great Commission: to make disciples of all nations in this age. We’re making incremental progress toward the goal of discovering that framework. Our starting point is the Olivet Discourse, where a simple, understandable conversation occurs. Jesus says…
The Great Commission and Biblical ProphecyProphecy
Jesus’ Prophecy and the Disciples’ Questions
by Mike Rogersby Mike RogersOur view of prophecy affects how we view the Lord’s model prayer and Great Commission. He taught us to pray for His kingdom to come and, toward that end, told us to make disciples of the nations. We cannot fully understand His meaning without an accurate understanding of biblical prophecy.…
Rita responded to my post, Those Who Sleep in the Dust Shall Awake. She asked, “How did you come up with the end of the Messianic Age? Don’t ‘world without end’ (Eph 3:21 KJV) and ‘I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever’ (2 Sam 7:12–13 KJV) mean the…