Matthew’s gospel emphasizes the kingdom of heaven. “The central emphasis of the book is found in what is designated (uniquely in the Gospels) as … ‘the gospel of the kingdom’ (Matt 4:23; 9:35; 24:14; cf. 26:13).” To understand the gospel, we must understand the kingdom. In Matthew 19, Jesus uses four…
February 2019
Book Of MatthewProphecy
Meditations in Matthew Eighteen: Entering the Kingdom
by Mike Rogersby Mike RogersThe long-awaited kingdom of heaven was coming. The disciples had heard John the Baptist announce its approach (Matt 3:1–2). They had listened when Jesus confirmed this message as he preached the gospel of the kingdom (Matt 4:17, 23; 9:35). Jesus had taught them the ethics of the new age in…
Book Of MatthewProphecy
Meditations in Matthew Seventeen: Transfiguration Postscripts
by Mike Rogersby Mike RogersThe transfiguration (Matt 17:1–9) provides subtle confirmations of inmillennialism. As a vision (Matt 17:9), it showed the passing away of the Mosaic age. The law (Moses) and the prophets (Elijah) would disappear. The messianic age (Jesus) would take their place. Peter linked this transition to Christ’s parousia (2 Pet 1:16–18). Inmillennialism’s…
Book Of MatthewProphecy
Meditations in Matthew Seventeen: the Transfiguration
by Mike Rogersby Mike RogersMany scriptural passages make our need for a better prophetic model obvious. They are like boulders in our interpretive paths. Our last post (here) discussed one of them (i.e., Matt 16:27–28). Other passages are more subtle. Their obstacles lie below the surface. We must excavate to see how they show…