This blog seeks to encourage Christians to embrace the kingdom of God and its King, Jesus Christ, as the central elements of their message to the modern world. It does so through discussions related to the interpretation of prophetic passages throughout the Bible. These discussions contribute to the incremental development…
In this series of posts, we’re verifying Peter’s words—all the prophets foretold his generation (Acts 3:24), its events, and the consequences of those events. In roughly chronological order, we have confirmed that Moses, Samuel, Obadiah, Joel, Amos, Jonah, Hosea, and Micah did so and that their prophecies fit well in…
Book Of MatthewThe Olivet DiscourseReviews
A Review of John Murray’s View of the Olivet Discourse — Part 2
by Mike Rogersby Mike RogersIn my last post, I gave three reasons for objecting to Dr. John Murray’s divisions of the Olivet Discourse into different periods. I mentioned that Dr. Sam Waldron adopted Murray’s views and has explained and expanded them. Here, I will discuss the underlying presuppositions that put them in a position…
Book Of MatthewThe Olivet DiscourseReviews
A Review of John Murray’s View of the Olivet Discourse — Part 1
by Mike Rogersby Mike RogersDr. Sam Waldron recently spoke at the Conquering and to Conquer: An Eschatology of Victory conference. The title of the conference piqued my interest in his views on eschatology. I found he accepts Dr. John Murray’s view of the Olivet Discourse as his own (see The Meaning of Matthew 24, Part…
The Great Commission and Biblical Prophecy
Immediate Signs: Lightning — Part 2
by Mike Rogersby Mike RogersIn this series, The Great Commission and Biblical Prophecy, we’re considering Jesus’ prophecy about the temple’s destruction (Matt 24:1–2), the disciples’ questions regarding the timing and the signs related to it (Matt 24:3), and Jesus’ response to their questions. We’re in the section where the Lord gives the signs (Matt…
The Great Commission and Biblical Prophecy
Immediate Signs: Lightning — Part 1
by Mike Rogersby Mike RogersLet’s pause for a moment to reorient ourselves, especially regarding the overall theme of this blog series—the Great Commission and prophecy. Jesus, in His Olivet Discourse, foretells the temple’s fall (Matt 24:1–2). The disciples, in response, ask for signs of that event (Matt 24:3). Jesus gives preliminary signs (Matt 24:4–14)…
The Great Commission and Biblical ProphecyProphecy
Deliverance from the Great Tribulation
by Mike Rogersby Mike RogersJesus closes His explanation of the “great tribulation” sign with a promise to deliver the elect Jews from that catastrophe: “Unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened” (Matt 24:22). He also tells His disciples what they must…
The Great Commission and Biblical ProphecyProphecy
The Greatest Tribulation
by Mike Rogersby Mike RogersJesus gives a second description of the “great tribulation” sign: it would be one “such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matt 24:21). This begins the shift in literary styles that I mentioned earlier (here), from unadorned prose…
The Great Commission and Biblical ProphecyProphecy
The Days of Vengeance
by Mike Rogersby Mike RogersIn the last post (here), I discussed one aspect of Jesus’ great tribulation sign: the desolation it brought. Here, I begin examining the descriptions it required. Through these descriptions, Jesus showed the significance of the “great tribulation.” This time of upheaval would be (1) the days of God’s vengeance against…
The Great Commission and Biblical ProphecyProphecy
The Abomination of Desolation
by Mike Rogersby Mike RogersJesus answered the disciples’ sign question by presenting signs that would be “the beginning of the birth pains” for Israel (Matt 24:8 ESV). Now, He gives a sign nearer to the temple’s fall: “There will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until…
A Response to Pheelan McPhalen’s Review of Inmillennialism: Redefining the Last Days
by Mike Rogersby Mike RogersPheelan McPhalen honored me on his podcast, All Things Eschatology. In a recent thirty-minute episode, Is Inmillennialism a Thing?, he reviewed my book, Inmillennialism: Redefining the Last Days. He did so after hearing my interview with Josh Howard on Eschatology Matters (here). I am thankful for Pheelan’s review. He was…